Buying propane for your barbecue by weight

Buying propane for your barbecue by weight (infographic)
Long description of the infographic

How is propane sold by weight?

The seller uses a certified scale to determine the weight of the propane, in kilograms or pounds, added to an empty or partially empty barbecue tank. The price you pay is equal to the weight of the propane put in your tank times the price per kilogram or per pound.

Refill process

  1. The attendant weighs your tank without the hose attached. This is the start weight.
  2. The attendant attaches the hose and fills the tank while it’s on the scale.
  3. The attendant or the overfill prevention device inside the tank stops the filling process when the tank is full.
  4. The attendant removes the hose and reweighs your filled tank. This is the final weight.
  5. You are charged for the amount of the propane added to the tank (i.e. the final weight minus the start weight).
  6. The attendant gives you a written or printed statement of the weight of the propane added to your tank.

If you think you have received an inaccurate measurement, you should first attempt to resolve the issue with the seller. If you’re unable to resolve the issue, you can file a complaint with us.

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